10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (2025)

A diamond painting kit usually incorporates all the essentials that you need to get started with diamond painting. And you can indeed begin your diamond painting right away after getting your hands on the kit, or read about what tools other diamond crafters are using.

These experienced and skilled diamond artists have learned about various tools that are a must-have in their collection by their experience.

You can also invest in these splurge-worthy additional accessories and tools and start working on more challenging and bigger projects with the help of these tools. And the result will be shown in more dazzling diamond paint art that you can proudly show to your friends and family.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (1)

Let's have a look at some must-have diamond painting tools and resources.

1. Single-Diamond Drill Pen or Multi-Placer

  • Single diamond drill pen: The single diamond drill pen is included in each kit. However, you may need to upgrade your diamond drill pen collection to improve your productivity by decreasing each diamond painting project's time.
  • Multi-Diamond Drill Applicator: When applying the same color drills to a large area of canvas, a single diamond drill takes more time and gets impatient. In our hurry, we often do not place square drills straight. In such a scenario, we can use a multi-placer. A multi-placer has a wide end where we can stick 3, 4, or 6 drills at a time and apply them to the canvas.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (2)

  • Self-Stick Drill Pen: Alternatively, you can also use a self-stick drill pen. It is three times faster than an ordinary pen and doesn't require wax. You can work with any kind of diamond, be it square, round, or special.
  • The Wheel-Shaped Diamond Applicator: A wheel-shaped diamond drill applicator works on the same principle as a straight multi-placer. The difference is that it has a wheel on the end, where you stick your gems and apply them to the canvas.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (3)

A Pro Tip: If the diamond drills can't get in a straight line on the tray, you can shake the tray and tilt a little; the diamonds will be aligned in a straight line.

2. Diamond Drills Organizer

A diamond storage case, aka diamond drill organizer, is a staple for every diamond painting artist. We can't even imagine starting diamond painting without organizing our diamond drills first.

Now, diamond painting organizers can be of various types. You may find a diamond organizer with only vials for storing diamond drills and no space or pouch to hold other accessories. Similarly, you can also find diamond painting storage cases with 30 to 60 vials. These kinds of diamond organizers are portable and easy to screw off. They don't pop open when you drop them.

Some of the cases come with a funnel that makes it easy to fill them. Even if you don't find a funnel in the packaging, you can purchase them separately. Forget about tic-tac containers, invest in a proper storage case, and enjoy your relaxing time in an organized manner.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (4)

Check out a portable storage case here.

A Pro Tip: Always label your vials with stickers that are easy to peel off. So when you finish one diamond painting project, you can kit it down by removing old stickers and refilling the containers with new beads and new labels.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (5)

If you are already addicted to diamond painting and need a larger diamond organizer, you can check it outhere.

3. Light Pad

Light Pad is a must-have and a savior of eyes for a diamond painting artist, especially if the working environment has low light. Light pads come in different thicknesses and sizes.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (6)

Sizes differ from A1, A2, A3, A4, and so on. If you are working on a small canvas, you can choose size A4 of the light pad. Moreover, smaller and, ultra-slim light pads are easy to carry around.

Some people also prefer using smaller light pads for bigger diamond paintings and just sliding them underneath the section of the diamond painting where they are working. Always choose a light pad with different brightness levels, so you can dim the light or brighten it according to your preference.

A Pro Tip: If you have a large light pad and you are working on a smaller canvas, the blinding light coming from the edge of the diamond painting might bother you. In that case, you can stick a piece of painter's tapeon the edge to block the light.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (7)

Useful accessories for Light Pad: If you prefer to work on an angle and not on a flat surface, you can use a light pad stand and clips to hold your diamond painting to the light pad.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (8)

4. LED Magnifying Desk Lamp or Magnifying Glass

It's absolutely essential when it comes to diamond painting. Diamond painting involves working with tiny beads. The placement of diamond drills needs precision. Focusing on these tiny beads for a longer period causes strain on the eyes, and soon the whole purpose of relaxing yourself backfires if you get a headache due to diamond painting.

That's why experts recommend using magnifying glasses or LED magnifying desk lamps. While a simple magnifying glass can work completely fine, the LED magnifying desk lamp can take the diamond painting game to the next level. The two-in-one function of the LED magnifying glass involves lighting the canvas as well as magnifying it.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (9)

If you don't own a Magnifier LED Desk Lamp, you can check it outhere.

5. Roller Pin

No matter how carefully you work, some stubborn diamond drills will pop out or loosen on the canvas. The rolling pin comes in handy and is an essential tool to fix the diamond drills firmly in their place. Some of the roller pins are made of plastic; some are wooden, whereas you can also find soft and foamy roller pins. They all have the same purpose. The only difference is the smoothness you experience while using the roller pin on the canvas.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (10)

Pro-Tip: Never use the roller directly on the canvas. Lay a soft cloth, towel, or piece of butter paper over the canvas, then gently use a rolling pin over it.

6. Diamond Painting Accessories Organizer

While a diamond painting organizer or storage box works great for arranging all your tiny gems before starting work, a diamond painting accessories organizer is a must-have for work in progress.

This organizer has different slots to hold trays, accessories, including pens and wax, and a few containers of diamonds too. It saves you time in meddling with containers and pouring drills on a tray or fidgeting with different trays to find the right tray.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (11)

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (12)

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (13)

Have a look at our 4 slots, 6 slots and 12 slots of tray and accessory organizers.

7. Diamond Straightener

Round diamond drills are forgiving in nature and don't require much effort, and the overall effect of the slightly off-placed diamond painting is negligible. On the other hand, square diamond drills need precision. A slightly misplaced diamond would show in the final result of the lustrous diamond art. Working with square diamonds requires a diamond straightener for a better result. It's a must-have on the list of diamond artists who prefer square drills.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (14)

You can utilize tweezers to straighten the diamond resin one at a time or use a scraper tool. The scraper tool allows you to put diamonds in a straight line much faster. The advantage is that you can use them when the artwork is still in progress or even after finishing the whole project.

8. Alternatives of Wax, Glue, or Extra Wax

Although the diamond painting comes with a wax pad, oftentimes it gets too hard to use depending on the climate.

  • Alternate Option: Expert diamond crafters like to use Blu Tack as an alternate option. A small ball of Blue Tack goes a long way and works better than a pink wax pad that comes with the kit.
  • Extra Wax Pad: How irritating it would be when you are on a working spree and the wax pad gives up on you. It's always better to keep a stash of one or two extra wax pads for such situations.
  • Glue: Another essential tool in diamond painting is to have glue to stick diamonddrills onto the canvas. The reason to always have glue at hand is that some of the diamonds don't stick due to the reduced adhesiveness of the canvas.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (15)

Check out our glue that is being used specifically for diamond painting.

9. Diamond Painting Mini Vacuum

Unless you never spill diamonddrills or don't care about diamonds that fell on the floor accidentally, you should always invest in a mini vacuum. The mini vacuum has a compartment at its base to collect all the tiny beads, which you can utilize after cleaning them with a cloth.

Alternatively, you can also use a lint roller to pick up the fallen diamond beads from the floor.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (16)

10. Wooden Frames

Your diamond painting will become dusty in the cupboard or storage boxes if you do not display it in a frame. You can either buy a traditional pre-made photo frame or get it framed by a professional picture framer.

You can also do a little DIY and with a pinch of creativity, you can frame your canvas in an inexpensive way, especially if you can't find the right size of frame for your canvas.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (17)

However, your sumptuous and sparkling diamond painting needs a fancy wooden frame that only elevates the look of the painting.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (18)

Although diamond painting kits come with a few essential tools, you need to upgrade your essential tools to take your diamond painting to the next level. Buy yourself some new tools you were eyeing for some time but never got around to splurge on them. After all, a relaxation activity needs some helping tools that can make the process of making diamond paintings more relaxed and enjoyable.

Did we forget any essential tools? Or do you possess any unique diamond painting tools that you love?

Tell us in the comment section.

Learn about must have tools for diamond painting used by expert crafters. These common and unusual tools are not included in the kit. Read on and upgrade your tools kit.

10 Must-Have Diamond Painting Tools (2025)
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